

What direction your instruction takes will determine which agenda you use. One direction - the one we've used for many years - is to present students a broad view, which we call: "Understanding and Using a PSN." If this is what you're going for, we've attached a number of sample agendas (below) based on time limitations. The agendas based by time - force you to focus upon how much time you have and what you hope to achieve.  

Other teaching options can be specifically focused upon teaching a specific PSN content/skill. For example, two options are: 1) to teach the "3 calls to actions" (build resilience, ask for help, learn strengths); or 2) to teach a class based on the 8 pillars of resilience. Below are also some agendas that focus upon these options. Again, be sure to focus upon what can be reasonably covered if you have limited time.  


  • What is a personal safety net (PSN)? 
  • Why is a PSN vital to our well-being and our ability to navigate life and PSN its challenges and changes with resiliency and support?
  • 8 Pillars of Resilience
  • Using a Wallet Cards 



45-60 Minute Agenda Sample



  • What is a personal safety net (PSN)? 
  • Why is a PSN vital to our well-being and our ability to navigate life and PSN its challenges and changes with resiliency and support?
  • 8 Pillars of Resilience
  • Asking for Help
  • Using a Wallet Card 


  • 1) A Personal Safety Net Diagram ; 2) Columns of a PSN; 3) A Personal Survey; 4) Things That Get In The Way Of Asking; 5) Steps to Successful Asking; 6) Sample Wallet Cards; 7) Using Your Wallet Card; 8) What To Say To Others About Your Wallet Card.  


90 Minute Agenda Sample



Part 1

  • What is a personal safety net (PSN)? 
  • Why is a PSN vital to our well-being and our ability to navigate life and PSN its challenges and changes with resiliency and support?
  • 8 Pillars of Resilience 


  • 1) A Personal Safety Net Diagram ; 2) Columns of a PSN 

Part 2

  • What Research Says About Working in Groups
  • Asking for Help
  • Tips on Making Friends
  • Using a Wallet Card
  • Role Playing: Situations to Solve 


  • 1) A Personal Safety Net Diagram ; 2) Columns of a PSN; 3) A Personal Survey; 4) Things That Get In The Way Of Asking; 5) Steps to Successful Asking; 6) Sample Wallet Cards; 7) Using Your Wallet Card; 8) What To Say To Others About Your Wallet Card; 9) Situations to Solve. 


Two-Part - Two Hour Agenda Sample



  • What is a personal safety net (PSN)? 
  • Why is a PSN vital to our well-being and our ability to navigate life and PSN its challenges and changes with resiliency and support?
  • 8 Pillars of Resilience
  • What Research Says About Working in Groups
  • Tips on Making Friends
  • Asking for Help
  • Creating Groups: The Phases
  • Traits and Skills
  • Using a Wallet Card
  • Role Playing: Situations to Solve 


  • 1) A Personal Safety Net Diagram ; 2) Columns of a PSN; 3) A Personal Survey; 4) Tips on Making Friends; 5) Things That Get In The Way Of Asking; 6) Steps to Successful Asking; 7) Chapter Summaries – optional) 6) Traits and Skills; 7) Sample Wallet Cards; 8) Using Your Wallet Card; 9) What To Say To Others About Your Wallet Card; 10) Situations to Solve.  


Three Hour Agenda Sample