e-Newsletter Library

Welcome to our in-house e-Newsletter library.

We hope you enjoy browsing … happy reading! Unfortunately, however, this ours is no longer an interactive website and there is no way to order materials through us. The office was closed in 2016. However, the work continues, and if you wish to contact someone who might be helpful, please look to our Certified Teachers https://personalsafetynets.net/certified-teachers

Below you'll find every edition we've produced. Approximately ten times a year -- until we ended publication in mid-2015 -- the staff at Personal Safety Nets® pulled together interesting stories, tips, answers to questions, upcoming events, downloads and more. Our goal is to help you understand that creating a PSN is not only a continuing process but also a process that is done the world over.

Click on the PDF and see the entire edition of any e-Newsletter in its original format.

We hope you enjoy browsing through our archive of e-Newsletters - happy reading!