A PSN is like an old fashioned fireman's net held up by eight strong pillars. Paying attention to the support provided in each of these Eight Pillars of Resilience will provide a well-supported PSN and the support needed to bounce when inevitable changes or challenges arise.
By belief system we mean to address all the aspects of your beliefs that keep you buoyant and hope-filled. Include whatever in your life that brings forth more compassion or increases your awareness of the abundance around you. Is it a specific religion or spiritual tradition? Is it reading certain poets or wisdoms? Is it walking in nature, being around pets, listening to certain music? Is it keeping a “Gratitude Journal”? This part of your PSN includes all classical spiritual activity and/or that which feeds your soul! More on Belief System >
A PSN can be extraordinarily useful in thinking through this portion of your life. The school, career or retirement you choose will depend, of course, and to some extent, on finances, friends & family, your belief system, and how you define your community and therefore, where you draw lines on where to look or options you csn consider. More on Career and Retirement >
The Community Resources we are referring to are those professionals, paid and unpaid, who address the needs of the community. These range from the highest paid lawyer or accountant to the Senior Center’s free tax clinic. They include parole officers as well as arts organizations. Seeing what exists in YOUR community depends on where you live, on the network of trusted friends and family to give you referrals, and on your belief system and personal history to help you decide which would be appropriate for you. More on Community Resources >
Each family is unique,coming with its own consellation of generations, relationships, and histories. In some families there is an abundance of welcome and available asistance such that lives are well supported and healthy. In other families, physical historical or emotional distance may have limited what is available. There is no "one size fits all' when it comes to family and friends, and we encourage you to think about who you know and associate with, who does what well, and from whom you like or would like to receive guidance and/or support. More on Family and Friends >
FINANCES and legalitieS
This topic covers everything from your bank account to insurance policies to legal documents covering powers of attorney, wills and such. It can be easy, once this is understood, to see how finances affect many other areas. Toward this end, there is a whole section of the workbook that will help you think through whether, where, and for whom you have the documents and information in place. More on Finances and Legalities >
Staying healthy and getting well are sort of two different things. Some of us, for instance, are born with stronger immune systems than others, and with different metabolisms. These are personal characteristics. Surrounding ourselves with people who support our being healthy can boost individual efforts. Friends & family. Healers of all sorts can help us heal when we get sick or broken. Community. Believing in the doctors, healers, workout process is important too. Beliefs. Whether there is enough money or insurance to cover what’s wanted is a good consideration. Financial. Whether legal documents are in place. Again, under Financial. More on Health and Wellness >
Keeping your brain in as high functioning a place as possible doesn’t happen without thought. Throughout life, from babyhood onwards, we can be learning new things. Are you curious about something? Your characteristic or quality. Can you join others to play scrabble or games that keep you thinking? Friends & family. Are there classes to be taken? Career or Retirement. Actively attending to your intellect can perk your spirits and send positive ripples to other aspects of your well-supported life. More on Intellect >
Each and every possession we have requires some degree of care and maintenance. Think of homes, cars, computers and more. Some degree of planning for each thing will serve you well in seeing that there will be support for particular possessions. Think of a car. It can be run until it won’t anymore. Then, when it won’t start or that loose fan belt breaks, there’ll be a crisis. OR, on the other hand, there can be a plan. Do you have skills to address the needs of your car? Your characteristic or quality. Do you know someone (daughter-in-law or neighbor who does)? Friends & family, or Community Resource, like a repair shop or a skilled sister-mechanic. Could you take a class and learn? Community College. Do you have the money to do so? Finances. Could you keep a maintenance schedule? Intellect … you get the idea. More on Possessions >
Interested in learning more? You can read Personal Safety Nets: The Book on this website, or get started building your PSN today!