Family and Friends

Family & Friends: Each family is unique, coming with its own consellation of generations, relationships, and histories. In some families there is an abundance of welcome and available asistance such that lives are well supported and healthy. In other families, physical historical or emotional distance may have limited what is available. There is no "one size fits all' when it comes to family and friends, and we encourage you to think about who you know and associate with, who does what well, and from whom you like or would like to receive guidance and/or support. 

Help keep this part of your Personal Safety Net organized by gathering and placing these things and your wishes in a place where you, and those you want to have the information, will be able to access it:

    • Adoption papers
    • Birth certificate
    • Divorce/separation papers
    • Financial Power of Attorney
    • Have kids? - School names & contacts
    • Last Will & Testament
    • Legal name(s)
    • Marriage certificate
    • Prenuptial agreement
    • Promissory notes & amount (debts owed)
    • Social Security Card
    • Veteran's administration paperwork