Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness: Staying healthy and getting well are sort of two different things. Some of us, for instance, are born with stronger immune systems than others, and with different metabolisms. These are personal characteristics. Surrounding ourselves with people who support our being healthy can boost individual efforts. Friends & family. Healers of all sorts can help us heal when we get sick or broken. Community. Believing in the doctors, healers, workout process is important too. Beliefs. Whether there is enough money or insurance to cover what’s wanted is a good consideration. Financial. Whether legal documents are in place. Again, under Financial.

Here's some activites to get you started:

  • List all health professionals you see: medical, dental, homeopathic, alternative, psychic - with their contact information.
  • List the activities you take part in, the people you associate with that help you stay healthy.
  • What personal characteristics help (or get in the way of) the health you want?
  • Help keep this part of your Personal Safety Net organized by gathering and placing these things and your wishes in a place where you, and those you want to have the information, will be able to access it:
  • Primary-care doctor and contact information
    • Other practitioners who assist with your health, such as naturopath, homeopath, etc.
    • How about trainers/instructors/those who help keep you healthy
    • List of significant illnesses, conditions, surgeries
    • List of conditions to watch for or be aware of
    • List of medications and schedules for taking them
    • Extra prescriptions for life-threatening illnesses
    • List of allergies
    • Birth dates – you and your children
    • Blood type(s) – you and your children
    • Long-term care paperwork
    • Vision records
    • X-rays records
    • Lab results
    • Prescription plan card/records
    • Dental records
    • Gym and/or activity memberships
    • Health history form or notes
    • Medic Alert program information
    • Medicaid number
    • Next stage plans and information
    • Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) form (A DNR form basically states that the named individual is not to be resuscitated if he or she stops breathing. If 911 is called, they must, by law, resuscitate, so if there is a DNR preference, then everyone around the individual must be informed so 911 is not called in.)

